Your Sunday iPod Add: My Mother’s Favorite Songs!

Music Angel 2 by Charles Bibbs

Music Angel 2 by Charles Bibbs

Welcome to your very special Sunday iPod add.  Today is Mother’s Day—a special day we set aside to acknowledge the awesomeness of our mothers and profess our unwavering love we have for them.  Recently NBA star Kevin Durant at his MVP press conference, acknowledged his mother as he spoke greatly about her and ultimately, amid tears, proclaimed her as the ‘real’ MVP for loving and caring for him and his siblings with meager means for years. Mothers are special!

Our mothers are indeed special and become even more special when we begin to assess their favorite song and ascertain why the song is special to them at all. Songs are meaningful and certain songs hold particular capital with our mothers.  Their favorite songs are revealing in that they give us a wonderful glimpse into the person, character, and women that is our mother.  It’s an amazing sight to watch your mother sing or dance to her favorite song.  Yep mothers are special!

Personally it’s been more than ten years since I’ve seen my mother wrapped up in the melody of her favorite song.  Today I hold fond memories of her singing and listening to her favorite music. My mother’s musical taste was eclectic.  It spanned the genres of classic Motown, country to folk to funk and R&B.  Each genre of music resonated with her.  Each song brought out her personality and character.  My mother’s favorite songs musically narrated special moments in her life.  These songs continue to happily remind me of the life she lived.

This Mother’s Day get to know your mother’s favorite song/songs and hold on to them.

Here are a few of my mother’s favorite songs from an era that held special meaning for her. You may want to add these songs or your mother’s favorite songs to your iPod—you might thank me later.

Your Sunday iPod add: Cécile McLorin Salvant and Zara McFarlane are the new wave of Jazz

Welcome to your new iPod add.


Cécile McLorin Salvant

This is a two for one iPod add. Oh snap! There are several jazz vocalists who are part of the exciting new wave of artists in the jazz genre.  Vocalist such as Gregory Porter and José James, just to name a few, are definitely members of the new wave.  To be sure, Miami born pianist, singer, songwriter Cécile McLorin Salvant and London born singer, songwriter musician Zara McFarlane are emerging movers and shakers in the genre.

Zara McFarlane

Zara McFarlane

Salvant and McFarlane share Caribbean roots and have attained European music training over the past few years, which in a sense makes them truly international. Together they contribute to the wonderful world of jazz in terms of their skill, sincere performances, and honest lyrics that speak of their life’s journey thus far.

I’m ecstatic to have added Salvant’s Womanchild, (2013) and McFarlane’s If You Knew Her, (2014) to my collection.  This week double up your jazz and add these fine ladies to your iPod! You will thank me later!

Listen and enjoy: